09 août 2006

Un petit test en passant.

En visitant le blog d'Eric Sundström - ancien président des étudiants socialistes de Suède, ancien membre du bureau d'Ecosy et un excellent camarade - je suis tombé sur ce petit test "quel personnage de west wing êtes-vous?"
Je sais, c'est idiot et ça n'interesse personne mais ça m'amuse quand même. Donc, pour la plus grande édification des lecteurs de ce blog, voila mes résultats:

Ahh, the ever-cynical and sarcastic speechwriter. Gutsy and not afraid to speak up or clash with authority, his dry wit is amusing. But under it all he's just a big teddy bear... and the world's biggest Yankees fan.

:: Which West Wing character are you? ::

2 commentaires:

Rémi Bazillier a dit…

"and the world's biggest Yankees fan", HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

Anonyme a dit…

The idealistic speechwriter is well-liked by just about everyone. He's known for his excellent writing, sense of humor, and tendency to be clutzy. Although being younger than the rest of the staff, he's often treated as so, much to his dismay.

Et moi je suis Sam :-)